Thursday, May 16, 2013

Twitterature May 2013

Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy hosts a link-up each month called Twitterature: a "place to share short, casual reviews of books you’ve been reading." For your reading pleasure, here's what's been on my nightstand recently....

The Hungry Years by William Leith
Body image, binge eating, and food (and other things) addiction from the rare male perspective.  Informative, sometimes bleakly dark, with a surprisingly light ending.

Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady by Kate Summerscale
A look inside the changing landscape of Victorian England as divorce laws changed and dirty laundry started airing on every front.  Mrs. Robinson is an interesting character, but the book drags on a bit once you get past the diary end of her story and into the courtroom.  Still, a pretty good read.

24/6 by Matthew Sleeth
A gentle call to Sabbath with personal anecdotes of life as an ER doc and the author's own downshift in life.  Light on the practical aspects (ie, Sabbath "rest" with tiny children?!), it's still a good, quick read to get you thinking about and planning for a weekly respite.

Serve God, Save the Planet by Matthew Sleeth
A Christian call to environmentalism, or "creation care," which I love as a term.  I'm back to recycling with a vengeance and have new perspective...although, again, the author writes from the perspective of someone with privilege, lots of options and flexibility, and life without littles: it was hard to read some parts of this book without saying, "Easy for you to say."  Still, I will be rereading this one for sure.

Almost Amish: One Woman's Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life by Nancy Sleeth
(notice a pattern in author names here?)
Comparing good environmental practice to the ways of the Amish and how we can mimic those wise choices without bonnets or buggies.  I was glad to find I'm actually doing most of the things she recommends to live lightly on the earth, but it was still inspiration to go go "more Amish," if you will?

What have you been reading?

1 comment:

  1. I remember hearing quite a bit about Matthew Sleeth a few years ago, but I never read any of his books. Thanks for the reminder and the reviews. :)


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